Check your site...
regarding compliance standards, environmental or work related issues and other criteria and risks on your smartphone.

Enter Data Points on a map...
by a tap on the screen and assign information to your team. Photo documentation and an evaluation system indicate urgent issues.

Check sustainability criteria...
to quickly evaluate topics that really matter to your business. Scenario-specific profiles and questionnaires measure your CSR-Performance.

Maps, scenario-specific profile cards and checks in one App
How to perform digital audits from start to finish. Quick and easy with step-by-step guidance and recommendations.
Mobile work and the immediate exchange of information between people is greatly simplified. Particularly in SMEs, this easy cloud solution can be used to digitize many processes related to site inspections and task management without any setup or training effort. In particular, the toolbox simplifies the rapid implementation of environmental audits involving employees, compliance with relevant environmental legislation, control of implementation and operational environmental protection measures, and recurring environmental audits.
Sustainability Scout
Questionnaires help users to quickly assess the situation in multiple work situations
In addition to evaluations of objects on site or a building processes related status quo assessments and compliance checks are done digitally. The implementation of corporate requirements or standards such as the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or EMAS or safety criteria can be checked frequently with the Scout’s Questionnaires.

Free Account-
1 Business Account
Maps und Checklist
Modules Eco & Basic
Premium S
Pro Version-
Team Accounts
Pro Features
Additional Modules
Premium L
Customized solution starting from €79-
Team Features
Cloud & Report
Pro Profiles
Free User Account
Simplicity is key – We strive to provide easy tools with innovative features for immediate application for complex work situations. Check out our free account.